Diplomas and certifications
License for the participants of business-forum "Sales & Marketing 2016"
Awarded by
School of Business Communications
09 апреля 2016 г.
Honorary Diploma «The Trade Mark of 2010» in the «Real Estate and Construction. Goods and Services» category, nomination «Professional».
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
03 February 2011
The Moldovan government has awarded Real Estate Exchange "LARA" SRL with State Prize and Diploma of I degree for achieving significant results in the quality of the services and the introduction of effective quality control methods
Prime Minister of Republic of Moldova
28 May 2010
Honorary Diploma «The Trade Mark of 2009» in «Real Estate and Construction» category, nomination «Professional»
29 January 2010
Lara недвижимость, Кишинев, Молдова.
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